Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Al Jolson Lives On

The 4th of July is this weekend. I happened to find this out when my Dad called me up to tell me that he is off work on Friday and that he and Mom will becoming down the weekend. This was not a question it was a statement. I asked "Why?" To see the fireworks. What fireworks? The 4th of July. When? This weekend. Well alright then.

Then I called Mom. This is because Dad does not have any say in anything. Mom wears the pants, so unless she says they're coming they aren't coming. Mom confirmed they were coming and that I needed to come up with fun things to do. I told her I would, but Mom of course already had the entire weekend planned out. "You need to figure out what we're going to do." Alright, I'll think of something. There's putt-putt. Alright. Swimming. Fine fine. Tennis and racquet ball. Yes. Church at 5. Of course. Dinner. Dad does need to eat. Fireworks. If we must. Movies. That's what the TV is for. We need popcorn and butter. Just as my heart needs a beat.

Then my sister texts (I hate texts) and lets me know she's coming too. And Mom again confirmed that they are picking her up on the way.

Dad, Mom and Orca are all pretty excited. But that's natural. Seeing me is a big deal. And then the next day Dad calls. "Would you be mad if Mom and I went to San Francisco instead?" No. Do you want to know why we are going to be there? Business? There's a 2006 fully-loaded Highlander we want. In San Francisco? Yes. California? That's correct. You're going to California to get a Highlander? Maybe. We'll know on Wednesday. Why? Have you seen the Highlander? You are never going to retire. Probably not, but this will be Mom's retirement vehicle (mind you Dad just got an Acura as though they need two retirement vehicles) and we'll sell her van. The Highlander should last us 10 years. Put Mom on the phone. Mom are you getting a Highlander? Have you seen it? You're just like him. I just don't want to do the trip home. What about the trip there? Oh we'll fly for that. But can you imagine driving home with him for 3 days straight? I think we should just ship it in a truck and fly back. So you're serious about this then? Well it is a nice vehicle.

The thing is, that actually sounds like a lot of fun. I want to go on an adventure.


SadEnding said...

Al Jolson?

Spike said...

Yeah, back in the 20s Al sang 'California, Here I Come.' I know he didn't write it, but the song was famous for him so I'm giving him the credit.

Thanks for the comment, I'm glad to see someone's reading. Do I know you? After a few google searches, I don't think I do. If I don't then how did you happen to come across this blog?