Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Giggle Inducing Acts

My family is very competitive. To the point where we do not have family game nights because we all hate to lose so much. I always thought the concept of a game night would be fun, after all the few times my family does try it we occasionally smile, even if it's only when showing the others how they just lost. So it's not very often where I get to experience playing games with large groups of people, but I like to very much. And maybe due to my competitive nature it was in my good fortune that one of the first large game nights I had recently was with a group of nuns.

Nuns are fantastic. They love to be motherly and I love to be mothered. They're always making good food, and always seem to know which girls are single and looking. They make sure you are eating right, getting enough sleep, keeping up with work, exercising and relaxing.

Every now and then a group of nuns from another city comes to visit their other sisters here in town and when they do they have a game night for anyone who wants to come. Because they make you dinner, and the attendance is pretty much all single girls who are mostly my age, I don't miss these for anything. Sadly most of these nuns are quite old. The youngest is in her thirties and after that I doubt anyone was younger than 60 or 65. But they are very high spirited, and certainly don't act it. They need more, but only the 1 - 4's please (see Mushroom Cake). I don't want them taking my prospects. The last time I went they decided to play 'Scattergories'. Or at least I think that's the name. It's where you're given a word and you have to act it out and the people on your team have to guess it real quick before the timer runs out. And you're supposed to keep passing the timer so someone always ends up with it when it goes off.

After a few turns I was given the word 'tickle'. I thought this was an easy one. All I had to do was act it out, and since you can't tickle yourself I reached over to the nun on my left and tickled her stomach. Everyone gasped, but because I'm too competitive I didn't register what the gasps meant, so after waiting for a second for someone to guess I did it again. Just dead quiet. And the timer went off. Everyone was staring at me, and I was mad. No one guessed it. So I yelled at them 'Come on people, the word was 'tickle' how could you not understand what I was doing?' Then it dawned on me. Fortunately, when I said the word was 'tickle' everyone burst out laughing. And one of the nuns said, 'you mustn't tickle Mother Superior.' But she was laughing too and said "there's no sin in that". But then she added 'how on earth were we supposed to know what this (and she tried to tickle me) meant?' I said "I thought it was completely obvious, it's the sign for tickling". Then another nun piped up and said "that's not what it looked like you were doing." "Well sister, you need to get your mind out of the gutter."