Friday, June 19, 2009


My grandfathers are amazing. They should both be long dead, but are simply too stubborn. For example in the last five years both were diagnosed with cancer. They don't have cancer now. Both have incredible stories, and today I'm going to start with my Mom's Dad since his is more recent. Grandpa, who is in assisted living now, has problems. He doesn't walk so good. Apparently one of the nerves in his spine is being pinched which messes up his balance. And it's going to get worse. Not that it matters. His legs are basically two wounds which at best get worse less slowly in the good times. This is from years of standing for hours on end in the airplane factory where he worked. Like I said he has had cancer. That is worth a story in itself, and could probably be used as proof for God's existence. In short he should be dead. But he's too stubborn. He comes from that older generation of people.
Yesterday Grandpa was rushed to hospital yet again. A few weeks he fell down and hurt his hand. But since Grandpa doesn't acknowledge pain he didn't get it checked, and that 'pain' developed into an infection. This infection is going to require 9 IVs. Two days ago he was to receive his first one. But at some point during the first one, his vein collapsed so they had to take him to the hospital. They put one of those facuet knobs in his arm and now he can just hook up his bags whenever they run out without needing to be pricked all over again. So that was good. Then as the nurses were trying to get him all dressed again to go home, something happened while they were putting on his shirt and all of a sudden there was blood everywhere. I still don't know where it came from but after awhile they stopped the bleeding, got his shirt back on and took him home. Mom who is naturally worried called later that night and asked if a nurse could check on him as he slept at night so that he doesn't accidentally just start bleeding everywhere again and die in his sleep from blood loss. The nurse said she would, and then commented that once they got him home he went down for dinner, and then headed off to play Bingo. Let's think about this. He was just at the hospital for a hand that was so infected he needs to get 9 IVs. He had to go to that hospital because his veins are in such poor condition that they couldn't handle even the first IV unaided. While at that hospital he starts bleeding all over the place as they were trying to do something as simple as put on his shirt. And when he gets back, he goes down for dinner then heads over to bingo!?!? The next day (yesterday) Mom called him up and asked how he was doing. He said he was fine but awfully tired. She asked why was he so tired, and he said he was up until 11:30. She asked what on earth was doing up so late. "After Bingo I wanted to watch James Bond".