Sunday, June 14, 2009

Squirrel Nests

My parents travel a lot. I think this is because they live in Podunk, Ohio where at best there is little to do. Typically they just go on day trips to other middle of the nowhere places. For example they have no problem driving 2 hours to Utica in order to buy potato chips. Although, in my parents defense, those Utica potato chips are very good. With the advent of cell-phones my Dad has become a little less self-reliant, and often times calls me up needing me to do an internet search for him. You'd think this would be for directions, but more often his needs lie elsewhere. They tend to be random because he doesn't give any reasons he just gets on the phone asks and then gets off. Here are some of his more interesting requests.

How many acres is Four Seasons Lake in Lancaster?

Do a price lookup for 711 A Avenue, Cornondo, California. Just go to the auditors website and look at the tax records.
-Dad, it's the Hansen Mansion, it's not listed and it isn't for sale.

Quick do a google search on squirrel nests!

Now Mom on the other hand does internet searches for me. You see recently I found myself with a bit more free-time on my hands than usual. This happened because most everything I was involved with sadly came to abrupt unexpected ends. And so, being the mother she is, she has sought to find new things for me to start up. Typically these are fairly decent ideas which tend to revolve around community involvement. However, with all the good ideas come a few less appealing ones. The most outstanding of those duds was the Book Club. Now I could be completely mistaken here, but I just have a difficult time imagining anyone my age in a book club. Or to put it another way anyone my age that I would want to engage with in a book club. Her arguments for my joining the book club are that I like to read, have topical discussions and it would be a great way to meet like minded people. Unfortunately this is hard to argue against, so instead of trying to I took the stubborn route and just said 'no'. You know awhile back I tried to do more community involvement. One Sunday I woke up early and headed to the soup kitchen to help out. I thought it would be a great way to meet people and at the same time actually do something not completely self-serving for once. But when I got there I found myself surrounded by senior citizens. They must have been a little surprised by my being there because they asked me what I was doing there. I said "I woke up early and had nothing else to do so I thought I'd help out." Them: "Oh, don't you have a girl-friend to spend the morning with?" Me: "I just wanted to help out here, I don't do much community service." Them: "Well if you have a boy-friend that's alright too." Me: "I'm not gay, I just wanted to help out." Them: "It's alright you're still welcome here, thank you for coming." That's what community service gets you. I go to help out at a soup kitchen, and in the process my sexual orientation is brought into question by a bunch of judgemental senior citizens. I cannot imagine joining a book club would help my case any.