Sunday, June 28, 2009


Maintaining weight is a tricky affair when you have a high metabolism. It is fantastic in that you can eat whatever you want when you want, but it is terrible in that putting on weight requires huge amounts of food. One of my current goals is to increase my muscle mass to the point where my arms can actually fill the sleeve on a small-sized t-shirt. If we go with the European system of meaure I am almost there. By the American standard, I have a long ways to go yet. To help speed up this process I have been using protein powder and other supplements such as Steak and Shake milkshakes.

Last Sunday and today I stopped by the local Steak and Shake to grab one. Now, last Sunday there was a cute girl at the window who took my order and handed me the shake.

Today I went back, I wanted to get another shake, and she was the one who took my order again. I decided to ask her out to dinner. The trouble was she is a Steak and Shake employee. My problem was that I figured she was probably younger than older to be working there. But still possibly old enough. She looked somewhat older, but I didn't want to be a complete freak asking out a 16 year old who looked older because of makeup. So when I pulled around to pay I asked "Do you mind my asking how old you are?" She just stood there looking at me for awhile and then said "20". I told her "Oh, never mind then" and she sort of smiled standing there for awhile more and then said alright and went to get my drink. A second later a guy came out with it. I laughed and said "Have a good night" he was chuckling too and said "You too". And when he went back in I could hear lots of laughter in the background. Like I said yesterday, I was overdue for a little humility. I didn't mind though. I don't think anything was wrong in that. For one, I know several sensational people who have worked at these types of restaurants through college summers. The greatest being me of course. So she may well have been slightly older. Secondly, regardless of who is doing the asking, it should be flattering to get asked out or even inquired about. Which means I may have paid her a nice compliment and thereby did my good deed for the day. Thirdly, I think it's a good character builder. We live in this silly society of virtual relationships (take this blog for example), such that a lot of people can no longer go up to friendly strangers and start talking. I tend to be the shy type, so doing this is good for me.

The shake was also very tasty.