Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sweet Tooth

Last night I had one of my nightmares. When I get stressed I typically have three courses of action. The first course of action is to deal with it. When it can't be dealt with then it gets bottled up and pushed down where it sits, festers, and turns into a heart attack which I'll deal with later. If that too does not work then I turn to huge amounts of sugar. Today I had to turn to the sugar. In particular there are three products that I find work the best. The first two are Mountain Dew and Diet Coke. Diet Coke because it's the sweetest of them. The third is chocolate candy.
Today I decided to make some chocolate candy. I had a bunch of sweet chocolate wafers and blueberries and I thought chocolate covered blueberries would be good. On my way home from work I also picked up some cherries. Now when got home I put half my chocolate in a pot and turn on the heat to about 4. Then I went at the cherries which I had to pit. This resulted in a small fiasco. While I was pitting the cherries, I wasn't paying enough attention to the chocolate which I should have been stirring. Because I just let it sit there the bottom melted much faster than the top and started burning. I decided chocolate is chocolate and just stirred it up and mixed the burnt with the good rather than to throw it all out. But when I finished stirring I had this butter knife covered in chocolate. I then had the brilliant idea of pretending I was a sword swallower because I wanted to lick off the chocolate. And as I put that chocolate covered knife in my mouth and clamped down I learned a lesson. Melted chocolate is brown lava. My whole mouth is a giant blister now.
After I finished up with the cherries I moved on to the blueberries. This time I decided to try and melt the chocolate in the microwave. I put the remaining chocolate in a bowl and stuck it in the microwave for 1 minute. After it finished I looked in and saw the chocolate hadn't melted. But I thought maybe it was really soft and I could stir it up. So I reached in to grab the bowl which I found to be hotter than the sun, and I burnt my hand. Finally I got that bowl out and found it was hot enough to melt the chocolate and it turned out really good.
Ultimately I found the whole process to be incredibly successful. I made the chocolate covered cherries and blueberries to relieve some stress and it worked. Now instead of focusing on my bad dream, I have a blistered mouth and burnt hand keeping my attention. And in case you're curious, my candy did turn out to be sensational in the end.