Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Rough Recesses
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
It Was Just An Eye, Now It's An Entire Face
Monday, September 28, 2009
Dance to success
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Vic Reeves Would Say The Two Are Related
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Modern Day Slides
Next up are some scenic shots she took of the island. The houses are pretty neat. The most expensive I know of is currently being offered at $14 million, usually they go between $5 - $10 mil. But you never really see those really expensive ones. They have these really long driveways that go off into the distance and get hidden away by the landscapes. Some of these houses have elevators. Many of them have guest houses that are attached to the main house. The guest houses themselves are large enough to be stand-alones.

Here's a glamour shot of us. Awwww.

And finally we have the piggie trough.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Metal Spikes Are A Blast
Monday, September 21, 2009
I'd Hit That
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Wooden Beams
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Like Hawaii Backward

For now, since I'm short I'm time, I wanted to post a few pics, and a random quote as a caption to go with them. I have a bit more that I want to say than what's in this post, but I also want to wait until I get the rest of the pictures from Brittany.
The first one is of an alligator. Here in cornfield Illinois we get squirrels and rabbits trampling through our backyards. Maybe a deer from time to time. In Kiawah, they too have squirrels and deer, but they also have alligators. They get to be about 12 feet and have no problem sunbathing in your yard. However, they tend to be quite scared of humans and will run usually run away if you approach them (like the one in the pic). Usually is the key word here, sometimes they simply will not move, which can be incredibly scary when they are just lounging around on the bike paths. The two we saw this time were very small, maybe 6 to 8 feet and were probably babies.

Get some man in you!! -Brittany is very pro-alternative lifestyle.
The next pic is of Brittany flying a kite on the beach. You can just make out the kite.

It's fine, aside from the gory rape it's fine. - Me
Friday, September 11, 2009
Taking the Taste Out Of Peanut Butter
After I made my way over, I got her attention and asked her very quietly if I freaked her out by my offer in the message. She said not at all, and that she very much liked my joke in it. At this point my nerves got the better of me and the conversation broke down. Personally I think I am very good at holding conversations, but not that night. In short, every time I wanted to ask my question something came up. We did talk for a short while, which was nice, but it was very much chit-chat. Nothing solid or substantial to build off of. Eventually she got bombarded with her friends, and at that point I was very much feeling like that puppy in the shadows who wanted attention. That is about the most annoying state I ever see guys in (it's a pet peeve of mine to see guys just hanging around a girl hoping she'll notice them), and realizing that I tried to get myself out of there by finding someone else to talk to. But then at some point it becomes apparent that I'm merely trying to hang around for an alternative motive. Anyway, in the end I did not get to ask my question, and thought I probably did more damage than good by the night's end. My plan at that point was to drop the issue, keep doing what I do and maybe by some great grace things will progress naturally. I have found this to be the only way things have ever worked for me. Whenever I try to take some initiative on my own, things always, without fail, go wrong. When I just let them progress naturally everything works out. For the Christian fan base this would be better phrased as when I keep my eyes on God much sucess, when I try epic fail.
So with this new mindset of no longer actively pursuing her I went to Mass again this morning at 7. I knew at least one other of my friend's would be going too so I had a buffer (okay this sounds a lot like 'actively pursuing' so let's call it 'passively pursuing'. But that's a pet peeve of mine too so let's try to call it 'sensational passively pursuing' since I'm doing it which therefore makes it okay because Nietzsche was right along). A bunch of my friends go to Mass on Friday mornings and then head over to a special pancake restaurant here in town for breakfast. And things did go much better today. I didn't talk to her but it was fun with my friend and the other people I became better acquainted with. In general this is called the 'if you can't be her friend become friends with her friends technique'. However, in my defense these people are not her friends so there. I would call this the 'if you can't hang with her, hang with people who go to the same gathering as her but are not necessarily her friends technique.' Which I am equating to letting things happen naturally since I very well may have gone anyway if I had never met her and only knew my friends were going to be there.
Throughout these ordeals I have gotten much loving support from my friends and family. My sister for example has offered me some insightful relevations. "Bromo, it's not from lack of effort that you can't make friends. You can't make friends because you're a loser."
What a week. I need a vacation from all that. And it just so happens I'm going to South Carolina tomorrow for a week. How convenient. Although this sadly means that you may not hear from me for awhile. I'll tell you what though. I'm going to go throw Orca at an alligator and post the pics and vids I take of it all along with some first hand impressions.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Flower Petal Picking
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Cheesy Opportunity
Monday, September 7, 2009
Bright Blue By-product
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Tuesday Afternoon
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Michelangelo pwned

This first sampling is quite telling of the artist's mastery. So often we hear about Michelangelo's amazing sculptures, but none of those were in color. They were in just lame white. How dull. Here the artist has created a symphony of art, mechanics, and color. The artist, Jake, has successfully captured the essence of the tropics, thereby drawing the viewer out of his urban mindset and into the primitive wild. One can almost hear the monkey's call. Notice that even the scenery spares no detail as the bananas call to our stomachs, but alas they are only balloons and are not to be eaten. Finally, since this is Tasteful Thursday, notice the fine specimen of art on the left showcasing 'The Polyphonic Spree'. But this is no surprise. Like Jake's still-life, only the finest gatherings of art, music and literature should be expected here.
Here is the master himself. His deft hands are simply too fast to be captured by technology. He is a blur of genius. Watching him uplifts the soul and motivates man to strive for his greatest potential. Actually this is true. Jake said that here he was at one of the finest universities in the world, an alumni graduated summa cum laude in mathematics. If this doesn't motivate you to hit the books hard and get into a real major nothing will.