Saturday, September 19, 2009

Like Hawaii Backward

Hi everybody. The library is about to close so I do not have time to write anything too detailed but I thought I'd at least say "hello". The trip was fairly great. Like all family vacations it had highs and lows. But overall I'd say their were only two major lows. The first was when the 2nd floor of the hotel we stayed in the first night found out that Dad does not like loud teenage girls. The second was on the first full day when I managed to make both my sister and Dad cry. But other than that we all had a blast and a very relaxing time off.

We went to Kiawah, South Carolina. If you look at a map, generally Kiawah is by the 'E' in Charleston. Kiawah is a private island that is well known for it's golf courses, but my family doesn't golf. Many years ago, when I was in the 3rd grade I think, my parents bought an oceanfront oceanview (there are dune views) 1 bedroom condo. They rent it out, but from time to time we go visit. And this past week was one of those times.

For now, since I'm short I'm time, I wanted to post a few pics, and a random quote as a caption to go with them. I have a bit more that I want to say than what's in this post, but I also want to wait until I get the rest of the pictures from Brittany.

The first one is of an alligator. Here in cornfield Illinois we get squirrels and rabbits trampling through our backyards. Maybe a deer from time to time. In Kiawah, they too have squirrels and deer, but they also have alligators. They get to be about 12 feet and have no problem sunbathing in your yard. However, they tend to be quite scared of humans and will run usually run away if you approach them (like the one in the pic). Usually is the key word here, sometimes they simply will not move, which can be incredibly scary when they are just lounging around on the bike paths. The two we saw this time were very small, maybe 6 to 8 feet and were probably babies.

Well what do you suggest; look up 'Earl' in the phone book? - Mom

The next pic is of a picnic Dad, Brittany and I at a secret lookout tower we know about.

Get some man in you!! -Brittany is very pro-alternative lifestyle.

The next pic is of Brittany flying a kite on the beach. You can just make out the kite.

It's fine, aside from the gory rape it's fine. - Me