Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Metal Spikes Are A Blast

Bill Cosby's stand up 'Himself' is hilarious. The man is a genius, and in this particular stand up one of the topics he discusses is his experiences at the Dentist office. Today I found myself at the Dentist office for the first time in a good number of years, and this little stand up of his sprang to mind. When I first thought of it I wanted to smirk. But I had the dental hygienist probing my delicate flesh with a metal spike so I had to sit still. So I tried to contain the smirk. But that only makes things worse. Trying to contain a giggle only brings on fits of hysteria, which is what happened to me. I couldn't help it, and then the dental hygienist started laughing too. And it wasn't like it was a funny situation or anything, it's just impossible for me to contain a little giggle. The whole cleaning process took a very long time, she had to keep stopping so I could get my laugh out and wipe away my tears but as soon as she'd stop I'd stop. Then as soon as she'd touch my mouth I'd start up again. As a child I would get in trouble all the time for not being able to stop laughing on command. Back in school we would pull our shirts up over our noses to try and pretend like weren't laughing.

Fortunately the dental hygienist had a sense of humor. Maybe something could come from that. She's 25, personable and attractive. Although putting up with me and my 4th grade mannerisms may be a part of her job too, as I suspect she also see's a lot of little children. In any event, it would be hard trying to pursue this further since it's not like I'm going to be seeing her all that often. Or it would be, if I only go back once a year. However, this is not the case for me, because I have 6 cavities and will be going back next Tuesday.