Saturday, September 26, 2009

Vic Reeves Would Say The Two Are Related

Vertigo is messed up. This morning I was pulling into a parking space and got a spot next to another car. I didn't think anyone was in the car but at the moment I stopped my car the car next to me started to back up, which gave me the sensation that I was actually moving forward because I had thought no one was in the car. Oh man, did that feel weird.

But in other news I wanted to talk about yesterday. Earlier this week, Whitney called me and gave me a ton of advice on how to better approach that girl I'm currently interested in. And yesterday I we were at a breakfast together. Now as a bit of background, the day before I had to e-mail about something related to this group I'm in. The reason I had to e-mail her was because she was looking for any sort of sacrifices or service any of us might have done that we could offer up for some college students over at UIC. I just so happened to some some. So I rattled off an e-mail, and she wrote a pretty nice response back.

The next day was Friday and this was when Whitney's advice was supposed to come into play. Over all I think things went pretty well. I did talk to her a bit, and we wound up sitting next to each other. But the conversation was more chit-chat and it's not like any fireworks went off. She probably isn't all that interested, but at least this wasn't a fiasco. Maybe over the coming weeks things will pick up a bit. In any event, Whitney needs to get some credit here.


Whitney said...

Aww, thanks Spike! As long as I don't get blamed if things don't pick up...