Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It Was Just An Eye, Now It's An Entire Face

The words of the day are plum, probably, and bumble-bee. Today I went to the dentist and got 6 cavities filled. I cannot feel my face. It's sort of intriguing but at the same time a bit worrying. For example, I can sit here and pull on my goatee hard and not feel a thing. I could probably start ripping hairs out and I'd never know. But that's the worrying part. For all I know I'm sitting here chewing on my cheek and have no idea. Which is why I cannot eat any solid foods for the next several hours. I like blowing air out of my mouth making it sort of flop around as the air passes through. And saying those first three words is a blast. They just sort of plop out. I called home and Mom said I sound like a bunny with a lot of food crammed in its mouth.

The major problem with everything was that the dental hygienist I had last time was there today. Although I took that as a blessing, because laughing would have been very bad. Instead I did about the opposite. On cavities 3 and 4 I started falling asleep. There were a few times where I was entering into dream mode, which is sort of like day-dreaming, but in a dream-like state so anything can happen. Cavities 5 and 6 hurt a bit which really worries me because if they are hurting now, I can't imagine how excruciating things are going to be when this stuff wears off.

I left rather impressed. My cavities were all inbetween my teeth, but they managed to put the filling in such that my teeth are still separated. Enough to get dental floss through. That is such a small space to work in, I was just impressed that the light-activated gook they spread around doesn't bridge from one tooth to the other.

The beginning was terrible. I felt everyone of those shots I got, and they hurt. I tried not to squirm but it was really difficult. I like to think I have a high tolerance for pain, but just sitting there and allowing myself to take it is hard to do. In actuality I'm probably just a big baby who likes to be mothered, but I did it, I'm still breathing here. The best part is that I was given strict orders to go get a milk shake. Any doctor appointment that ends with milk shakes makes everything alright.