Monday, September 28, 2009

Dance to success

Today I was talking with a co-worker about cicadas and how loud they can get at night. Basically they're large grasshoppers and they make that noise rubbing their legs together. The only reason we could come up with for why they do that is that it must be a mating call. Well I don't have a mating call or dance. Maybe this is why I have had such a difficult time attracting any attention. Like maybe if I were to jump up and down a bunch and put on some really bright colors that would help. I think the Massai really have it right. But even that might not work too well as just jumping up and down isn't the loudest of activities. So I should probably do some hooting while I am it, or at least do it right in front of somebody. Yes, I think that will work. The next attractive lady I find walking along, I'm going to run up to her and start jumping up and down while making hooting noises. If it works for the rest of the animal kingdom and apparently some humans it ought to work for me.