Friday, November 6, 2009


Here we are at the 100th post. What a momentous occasion for you. Having read every post you be should well grown in cultural taste and class, and find your wit sharper, actions wiser, demeanor more charming, faith deepened, and general awesomeness increased. Indeed, these posts have touched upon all aspects of the human condition, and have brought us tears, laughter, happiness and joy. But after 5 months of so much amazingness, here may be a good time to reflect on the highlights. Now I could let you choose them, but since I'm sensational and you're still growing, I'll save you the effort and choose them for you.

1.) Contacts and Crushes: In this post we have a testimonial regarding the physiological nature of man. Aristotle's emphasis on the relation between structure and function is proven relevant. In this case the physical structure of man is shown to have an effect on his function.

2.) Unkempt Underarms: Continuing on with the physiological nature of man, this post explores the effect of structure on the functions of other structures.

3.) Flap in Front or Back: This post stresses the need for finding humor in life's most dire situations. Life can be scary but with the proper perspective amusement can still be found and spirits lifted.

4.) Unofficial: A controversial posting, this time function is shown to effect structure in unpredicted ways.

5.) Me 25 Years From Now: In today's society rarely does the topic of our mortality come up. Well okay, I guess with the health coverage bill in the works people may be thinking about this more than usual. This post calls us to reflect on this theme, and the ever ticking clock.

6.) Annoying Even at Night: Certainly the most commented post, here we find a debate pertaining to the differences between admonishment and judgement, and the ways in which both empathy and sympathy direct our actions and whether or not those emotional responses to others are always appropriate.

7.) Billy Preston > Billy Ray Cyrus: A well received lesson in the importance of having a diverse musical background.

8.) Dessert Drink That Isn't A Shake: An eye-opening experience into the finer side of dessert dining. But even still, I think I'll always prefer ice-cream over pastries.

9.) Squirrel Nests: Another well received post, and the meeting of my parents which is always a highlight. After all these are the people responsible for me being me.

10.) Pepperoni Face: This last highlight is not necessarily my favorite. Certainly the memories are not fond ones. Here no real lesson is being taught, aside from the benefits of copious amounts of sun-screen, but it was still well received.

And there you go. Thanks for reading, I hope the next 100 will be just as much fun.