Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Potential Donor

Here's a quick story from the retreat. On Saturday night during the reunion, Monsignor made a beeline for me. He said "Hi Greg." Right away I was surprised because I didn't think he knew me other than my face. We had chit-chatted here and there in the past and he's certainly seen me in Confession plenty of times, but I didn't think he knew my name. Anyway, he comes running up saying hello, and then he says "I didn't know you own a Jag." So I explained to him that yes, I've had it now for about 7 months, it's a 2000 and has just over 100,000 miles on it. He said he was driving by and couldn't believe someone at the reunion would have one. So he wrote down the license plate and called up his police buddy to run the plate. And sure enough the officer said it belongs to me. Monsignor said he was hoping the owner was a multi-millionaire, to which I replied it's a work in progress. It was sort of cute, him hoping I'm some potential big donor.