Friday, November 13, 2009

Niceness has its perks

Last night a friend and I drove over to Kankakee to meet up with a lady, I've never met before, in a parking lot at 'Baker's Square' who had 65 sausages for us.

I could explain all that but it's far more interesting sounding to just leave it at that. Anyway while I was there, my friend who I drove up with had to use the restroom and we went on into the restaurant. During the time she was tinkling I talked to the staff, got a Diet Coke (so much better tasting than regular Coke) and looked at all the pies they had on display. Baker's Square is a pie joint and they had all sorts of pies behind a glass counter. When she came out from the restroom we made to leave. But as we were walking out the door the Assistant Manager called us back into the restaurant. He said he wanted to give us something. And he goes into this big refrigerator and pulls out two pies, a chocolate silk and a french apple. He said that they were getting ready to close soon and these pies would just be thrown away tomorrow and he wanted to give them to us since we looked like nice people! I wondered if I had anything to do with that. I had been looking at those pies pretty intently and he might have had some sympathy for me thinking I really wanted one. In reality I was just really curious about the pie types and ingredients being used. I get it from my Mom, the bakery queen. Interestingly while I was looking at all those pies I had been thinking about what happens to them at the end of the day. Now I know. They give them away to nice looking people.