Monday, November 9, 2009

One of Two Certainties

The state of Illinois has apparently not heard of my sensationalism. I am okay with this simply because I want them to be focused on what my taxes pay its workers to do. Nevertheless, had they heard of my greatness and how I never make mistakes they would not have chosen to audit me and send me a $350 bill for mis-representing my income by $9,000 back in 2007.

In 2007 I resided in Colorado and Illinois and I had made income in both states, $9,000 of which was made in Colorado. So I called up the state revenue department and calmly explained to them that I don't make mistakes and that it was their problem. Unfortunately, they didn't believe me and told me that I have to fill out an amended 1040 form and show proof that I paid my Colorado income tax by way of tax return. They said the problem is that the income on my federal tax return does not match the income on my state tax return. Oh well, I can't blame them for double checking, the state needs every penny it can get right now.

Speaking of paying for things, as you may know the health care reform passed in the House on Saturday. Now in general I am completely for a universal health care system. Even for the prats who don't deserve it, because I feel even they as all humans have a fundamental right to have access to health care services. But I'm still a bit disappointed, this time it lies with the media. The press has been calmouring on and on about how this is a great victory for Nancy Pelosi. In today's Chicago Tribune, one of the writers gave her a half page spread about how she had to compromise her desires on the bill in order to get enough votes and how wonderful she was to do so. In particular the article brought up the issue of federally funding abortion. Now, if you've read this blog you know what my thoughts are on this matter, so I won't get into them here. My point is that this article praises Pelosi for meeting with the US Bishops, and even went so far as to call a Cardinal over in Rome just to be sure that the language was fashioned in a way that would receive the Catholic Church's blessing. There's two things about this that bug me. First off, and this is Pelosi's problem here, she has no business consulting with foreigners about US policy. I don't care who she's talking to, we've got plenty enough Cardinals overhere to keep her busy. If she want's to have her own spiritual direction with foreigners, that's one thing, but let's keep American politics in America. The second thing, and the point that really bugs me, lies with the article praising her for reaching across the table like this. The Stupak amendment passed on Saturday, banning abortions to be federally funded excepting in a few cases and covers some other matters, but Pelosi didn't vote for it. This is the amendment that is supposed to address federally funding abortion and she said 'no' on the matter. So in reality she didn't compromise any of her views on the matter at all. The press is putting her on a pedestal when she did nothing at all, and that bothers me. It's not Pelosi's fault, it's the press's for making her out to be something she's not, in this case an angel sent from on high.