Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Cheesy Opportunity

'Old Chicago' is opening up a new restaurant in town across from the mall. If you're like me, and have never heard of this place before, it's a pizza joint. Last week, they brought two pizzas into work and they were really good. As it turns out, a guy at work has some connections with the restaurant. His wife is the head manager there. It opens on the 14th but as a special promotion, people at work can make reservations to eat there for free this Thursday - Saturday sort of like VIPs. So I decided to try my terrible luck and ask out that girl I've been talking about. Because I have no private life at work, two of my managers decided to talk to me today about my lady situation. I explained it hadn't changed much since they last talked to me, but I do have this my newly brewing circumstance with this girl from Church. When I told them about my dinner date idea they screamed at me. "Taking a girl out for free pizza is cheap." "Well, yeah that's sorta the point." "You can't do that, there's no way she'll like that." "Oh come on, the pizza was great, and it is an exclusive event." "No, you can't take her out for free." "So then you probably wouldn't have a favorable opinion of my idea for dessert which is a Steak and Shake buy-one-Shake-get-one free coupon. I figure I can be out the door at around $2.95."

Fortunately, I am employed based on my skills as an engineer and not as a gentleman. Still I think the whole thing is a good idea (okay maybe the Steak and Shake coupon is a bit much), and I just wrote her an invitation on Facebook. That's right, I didn't ask her point blank. I would have, however I will not get to see her until tomorrow evening (which may be to late to make a reservation), and I do not have her phone number to call her. Not surprisingly, even though I took the wimpy e-mail way out, I'm about to have a heart-attack, but since I'm at the library writing this I'm doing my best to remain composed. Hopefully I'll have an answer for you tomorrow. Place your bets.


Anonymous said...

I'll cross my fingers for a positive response. I think facebook is an acceptable route given you have no number. I think the exclusive event is fine just be sure desert is also special maybe at the Chocolate place on campus. I think you can play it up properly it will work. By the way this is the second time within a week I've heard about male improprieties at the urinal what nonsense. Good luck!

Spike said...

Thanks for the well wishes, stranger. Your suggestion for dessert couldn't be better. Unfortunately the Chocolate place on campus, Moonstruck, which I loved, has been gone for about a year, with a new yogurt joint in its place. It's alright but not nearly so tasty.