Sunday, July 5, 2009

Family Visit

Impressively my parents managed to make it in this weekend. But Dad did not make his 8:04 prediction. However, this was largely in part to them deciding to go Meijer first to pick up some groceries. Otherwise they probably would have been right on time. Yes, they made the whole 2500 mile trip in three days. What's really impressive is that for the first five hours they averaged about 30 mph due to bumper-to-bumper traffic. I couldn't imagine how frustrating and tiring that would have to be. You'd have to be on constant viligance, it's not like you can just sit back and cruise.

So they get here, and I thought they would be exhausted. But I didn't know that my parents use crack. They jumped out of the car, gave my sister and I hugs, took their bags and zoomed up the 3 flights of stairs to my apartment. Then when they get in, they proceed to both clean my place which apparently was "filthy" and make dinner at the same time. The thing is I had tried to clean before they got there, but apparently what I cleaned was not on their high priority list. Oh well, Mom seemed very happy because as she put it she had been sitting around use-less for the past 3 days.

We had dinner, and watched 'Grand Torino' which my sister and Mom had not yet seen, and then got ready for bed. Dad decided to sleep on the floor instead of in my bed with Mom so that my sister and she could share it. I also slept on the floor with him in the other room. At this point it was about midnight, and Dad decided he's feeling chatty. First he wanted to talk about my 401k plan, then he was curious about the next piece of furniture I'm going to get (a bookcase) and where I plan to get it from. Then he wanted to tell me about how surprisingly nice the Meijer produce department is. At this point I told him to go to sleep, and about 30 seconds later I heard him start to snore. Sigh. It's like this all the time. They both just go until they finally drop in the middle of whatever it is there doing. And I'm left lying there in amazement.

This morning they were up at 5 (although me and sis got to sleep till 8), and before I knew it we had breakfest, opened presents, did more cleaning and they were back on the road home around 9:30. Totally insane. When I drove home from Denver, which is about half the distance they drove, I was so completely drained that I think I slept for about 13-14 hours straight. Granted I pushed myself harder than they did to make it home, but their trip was still twice as long. I expected them to be half dead. Instead they party until midnight, and 5 hours later are awake bouncing off the walls again. It truly is a sight to see.


Anonymous said...

I think my parents run on the same fuel. They do crazy stuff for all of us. Where are yesterday and today's posts?

- gurney