Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Growing hair can be a confrontational time. The offensive problem with hair growing is that for a while the hair gets in that awkward middle state between short and long. This is the time period where even random strangers may feel the need to express to you that its time for a cut. And unfortunately there is little to be done in terms of making it look any better.

This summer I thought it would be fun to grow it out a bit. I've never had it hang past the ears, and considering that I'm likely to end up bald, I figured now is as good a time as any to see what I'd look like with a shag. Mainly I was trying to get the beach bum look. I already have the tan, because, as dear Grandma would put it, I have jigato blood. And with the tan come the natural highlights. So all that was left was to grow out the hair and lose the ridiculous goatee. The goatee on a beach bum creates the infamous beatnik look (for you children out there who haven't been raised properly, go google image Maynard G. Krebs and if you have no idea what you're looking at go complain to your parents for doing a bad job with you).

As I got into it I found that instead of growing down, my hair curled. Not so much on top but all around the sides and back. For about two weeks I did what I could to get around them, but it was no use. The curls just would not go away. My Mom has curly hair, I think I inherited hers but I've never grown it long it enough to find out. I thought that maybe I should try that hair straightening shampoo. Once I staid over at a friend's house and got to try some of that shampoo, which I used on hair not on my head, but it didn't work so I figured it was a useless product. I then tried to explain to my friend that it was a waste of money but as usual my arguments fell on deaf ears. Anyway, I hated the curls and today I decided it was time to chop them off.

There are two things that should be done on Tuesdays, tacos and haircuts. Both are on sale if you know where to go. So deciding to go in today for a trim was fortuitous. But I still wanted my hair kept fairly long. Usually I get a 3.5 razor but today I went two sizes up with the 5.5. I thought that would be long enough, but instead I found it was taking out huge amounts of hair. Maybe it was longer than I thought it was, but I don't know the metric difference between 3.5 and 5.5. Like maybe it's only a few millimeters. In the end, while I'm having a hard time this evening getting over how short it looks now, I think it looks much better. Which is probably good because this weekend I am heading home to my family reunion. And I would not like to displease Grandma, who, bless her heart, makes me seem sensitive. The last time we met up, at the official graduation brunch for my sister, she informed my sister's graduating class that I "look like an anorexic Leslie Loham." In her disapproval, the name 'Lindsay Lohan' was a little lost on her, but we forgave her this slip as we do not correct Grandma. And that was the censored version.

Anyway, just in case you didn't think I could make a post on hair this long, I hope you'll think twice before doubting me again. I could keep going too. There was a girl at the barbershop who caught my eye. However, in the end (at Targets in the clothing department) I think she was a lesbian with a new born child. In any event, I did not eat dinner with a potential new friend tonight.