Sunday, July 19, 2009

Host of Tunes

Today's post is another tutorial (see A Glass of Water). It is not easy posting music on the net that people can get to without downloading the file. There are a ton of sites that let you upload whatever, but most of them require the user to actually download the file in order to access it. You can't just type in a web address, like, and view the file.

You'll notice that there is now background music playing on this site (scroll to the bottom to see it). But this blogger does not allow file storage so in order to play music you have to have a link to another site that hosts the mp3 file. And as I mentioned, these types of sites aren't easy to come by. So this is what I did. Tripod offers free web-site hosting, and you can get access to mp3 files. The sites can only hold 20 Mb but it's enough to do a little bit with. The main problem with Tripod is that the site does not allow the same e-mail address to be used more than once when registering a site. So it's not like you can just create 10 sites, for 200 Mb worth of storage and have it all go to the same e-mail address. Or so I thought. What you can do is register for some random e-mail address like Tripod will send you an activation e-mail that you have to be able to open, so if the e-mail is fake you obviously can't click the activation. If you log in anyway into your new Tripod account it will ask you to click that activation link in order to get started on your webpage. However, it also brings up an option to change the e-mail address. From here you can type a real e-mail address and tripod will automatically send an e-mail to that address regardless of whether or not you've used it before. This is incredible.

If you do not like having background music let me know, I'll make it so it doesn't start playing automatically. If you do not like the music do not let me know for you have no taste.


Anonymous said...

no post in awhile, huh? :(

Spike said...

They are coming. It's been a slow week, so I've mostly been experimenting with Javascript. Check in all this weekend for some new ones.