Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pie not for Dessert

Bob Evans excels at three things, chicken noodle soup, chocolate milk, and chicken pot pie which happens to be the subject of today's discussion. The only problem I have with any of these is that I cannot have them, because I do not eat at Bob Evans. But lately I had a huge hankering for chicken pot pie. Today it was distracting me at work. And now I had a dilemma. I couldn't go to Cracker Barrel because I don't think they're going to be homemade (not that Bob Evan's is either but this is my post so don't argue), and I don't want to pay a huge sum for something that they simply heated up in the microwave. But at the same time I haven't yet been to the Cracker Barrel here in town, so I have no idea what sort of prospects I could be missing out on. Then I debated with a co-worker about whether or not I should just go to gift store and scope out the waitress situation from afar. The problem with this is that I would still have to eat out by myself, which I do not do either, and I can't take another guy to Cracker Barrel (or Bob Evans for that matter supposing I did eat there) until I hit 60.

With restaurants out of the question, now I was left to making something at home. I thought about buying a chicken pot pie pre-made figuring it's exactly the same as what I'd get if I ate out. But if I did that I would hardly have anything to write about. Thus, in order to keep you entertained I decided to make my own chicken pot pie from scratch. You better appreciate this.

When I say from scratch, this does not mean I made the pie crust. I'm sick of people saying 'well then you didn't make it from scratch'. I'm sorry, I have a life. I haven't worked on 'Punch Out' in about two days, I've got to keep you people happy here on this blog, my piano needs playing, and at some point I should probably look at jobs since I'd like to ensure that I will able to continue feeding myself. So for all you nay-sayers, you need to step off.

Overall I found the process fairly straight forward. My big problem was that I had the TV on while doing this, and I do not multi-task. Multi-tasking for me is talking on the phone whilst sitting on the toilet (I do a lot of talking apparently in the bathroom, see Howdy). That's about the extent of my abilities. Consequently, I had a few disasters. First I cooked the chicken, potatos, and carrots for a bit too long on stove. Instead of ending up with a nice chicken broth, I wound up with no broth, and a brown pan bottom. Luckily I was able to keep the main part of the food from burning so no major diaster there. The other problem was that I didn't have a science down yet for how to handle the pie top. At the store I decided since these shells come in two, I could use one of them as my pie top since I was making only enough to fill one shell. That's me thinking outside the box again, I'm so clever. Anyway, I had it sitting out getting soft as I was preparing everything. But I wasn't sure of how thick it was, and I found when I tried to transport my extra shell was a bit thin and it easily tore. Fortunately, years of picking up finished jig-saw puzzles without using glue had trained me well for this, and in the end I didn't make too huge a mess of it.

When the whole thing finished, it came out pretty good. Everything was cooked right. For example the potatoes were not hard. I hate having hard food and mushy food mixed together. It messes with my mouth. It's like peanuts in ice-cream. You have this delightful smooth ice-cream then all of a sudden bam! this nut comes out of nowhere and slams into your gums causing nothing but pain and misery. My main problem with the whole dish was that it tasted a bit bland. The spices just weren't right. I think a part of the problem may have been that I didn't end up with any chicken broth. Next time, instead of adding salt I think I'll just add one of those little Boullion cubes or whatever their called. But I'm still very pleased with the whole dish. I didn't burn it and while it may be a bit bland at least it doesn't taste bad. Nevertheless, I still have a long long way to go before I reach Mom status.

Finally a shout out goes to Gurney, whose frozen peas did not go to waste today.