Saturday, July 18, 2009

6th Time Almost a Charm

Mr. Potter's 6th entry was better than the first 5 but suffered from a less than stellar ending. I almost wish they would have tacked on another 30 minutes to do it right even though it would have hit the 3 hour mark to do so. However, since the 7th will be comprised of two parts, maybe a little bit of what was left out can be included. I saw it in Indi with Orca. When we got there we went to the store where I got her that COR soap about a month ago. When I walked in the girl working asked right away if the soap was any good. First I could hardly believe she remembered me, let alone what I bought. Then I had to scream at her because I hadn't yet given my sister the soap, and she was going to ruin the surprise. Only my Mom's tried it, and yes she does like it very much. According to her it's the only soap she has ever used that does not leave a 'feeling' on her face. Instead she says her face feels very soft and completely clean. She has not yet noticed any major differences in her appearance. When we left, Orca said all the help was checking me out. I don't know about that, I think they just want another sale, but I'll take it.

Then we went to the movie. We noticed those two lovebirds. One was white and the other was black. The white one died and the black one lived. We think that was foreshadowing to Dumbledore's death. Apparently this was a movie with layers. Very deep stuff.

After the movie we hit a Famous Dave's. For those of you in the know, yes I went to Famous Dave's. While I won't go to Bob Evans some things are just too good to pass up. We had this waitress, who was a BBW and very friendly. Especially to my sister. I thought she was just being very friendly and out-going, they tend to be you know that's why I like them. But Orca wasn't too sure. In the end we decided that she was just way too friendly and as a result she needed a great tip.

On the way home a lot of fantastic songs were playing that required me to sing along. Then I remembered I had my camera with me, so I recorded myself for the chorus of "Apologize". Being tone death is a remarkable thing (see Melodious Fail). In your head you sound so good and pitch perfect. When I got home and reviewed the recordings I found this not to be the case. Terrible, just terrible. Which is what I found so remarkable. It's like something you see that's so horrible you can't bear to look at it but you keep taking peeks to see if it's any better. I sort of talked about this before in Enthused, but it applies here too. I'm just so amazed at how magnificently off I am on record, yet sound so right in my head. So I can't help recording myself seeing if somehow I didn't hear it right the first time. Nope, still terrible.