Saturday, July 25, 2009

Manily Aches

Being a reward zone member at Best Buy can pay off, sort of. For every fifty dollars you spend, you get a one dollar gift certificate. It's an incredibly cheap system, but they market it anyway because no one bothers to do the math and everyone likes the idea that they are earning their way to a huge free purchase. It really only pays off if you make an insane purchase like on a TV, appliance, computer, or fancy speaker system. Like I got $100 worth after buying my TV, which was great because I used that to offset the cost of a PS3. That time it actually paid off because I wanted both anyway so it was like free money. But if all you're doing is purchasing CDs the reward zone is worthless.

Yesterday I found myself there with a $20 certificate that was about to expire. Yes, these things have a shelf-life so you can't just keep saving and saving. I don't know how I managed to spend the $1000 in order to get that $20 and found it a bit troubling that over the course of time I somehow spent that much. It makes me start wondering what I am wasting all my money on there. Although sometimes my parents buy stuff and put the points on my name so maybe they contributed too. Anyhow, I had to use this thing so I was walking up and down all the aisles looking around, and I got irritated. As I was standing there considering what to get, people kept walking in front of me to pass by. But not one of them said "excuse me." That sort of thing really gets me. Whenever I walk in front of someone like at a grocery store or something, I always, always, say "excuse me." It's just common courtesy. After awhile I wanted to start tripping these people. But I thought that would make Jesus cry, so I just bottled it up and let the mouth-breathers have their peace.

In the end, maybe partially due to my mood, I decided to get 300. Not because I'm particularly fond of the movie, but mostly because it was already on sale and I figured it's a good guy movie to have. Of course no one, guys or girls come to visit, so they'll never get to see it, but at least I have it in case God smiles on me someday and grants me a little company.

If you haven't seen 300 all of the guys in it look like Michelangelo's David over in Florence. And after watching it, it's sort of like those Rocky training scenes, it makes you want to get ripped. Well I have been exercising these past few months in order to try and fill out a little boy's shirt. I find that having my shirts simply hang on me is not very appealing to the ladies. Unfortunately, the 'I'm dying of stomach cancer' look is not in this season.

So far I've only been concentrating on the stomach on up. Everything from hips down is lovely. Hips up is pitiful. But today at work I learned that my lower half may not be quite so strong as I first thought. While thinking over whether or not we should be including Green's Function in our propagation algorithms, I was sort of absent mindedly fiddling around. Like how some people might pace back and forth, or tap their fingers to some beat. What I was doing was I had my right leg on the ground and my left leg bent at the knee propped up on my chair. So I was in a half standing position. And my chair is on wheels, so I was pushing myself around with my right leg. Then at one point I pushed myself out a little bit, doing a small split, and I tried to bring my legs back to together by rolling the chair back towards me. However this is easier said than done due to the friction and where the pressure on the chair is being applied. I don't know what you call them, but I thought I tore my bing-bong muscles. Concentrating on work became difficult for the next several minutes.