Saturday, July 25, 2009

Out with the new, in with the Old

People who attend Saturday Mass never need to look around for me. Instead they can look right at me because I always sit in the same pew in the same spot. Not this weekend though. No, instead when I got there I found a bunch of fully decked Knights of Columbus taking up a bunch of pews one of which was mine. Now typically I wouldn't let that stop me, but they have swords so I decided to let them be and sat two pews back. When they got through praying before Mass they got up and left and I thought about taking my rightful place, but then I figured that moving up only two pews would be a bit ridiculous even for me. So I stayed put. The Knights were there because of the Silver Rose. The Silver Rose is a rose made of silver that travels throughout the continent stopping at various parishes along the way until it makes it way to one of the Basilicas over in Mexico. It has to do with the roses from that apparition back in the 16th century. I'm not so good with details, it was how the title 'Mother of Guadalupe' came about. Anyway, this Silver Rose is sort of symbolic in that it recognizes that event and tries to pay some respect to it.

So there I am sitting two pews back when this girl comes in and sits right where I'm supposed to be. I think she must have sub-consciously picked up my man musk. That was two pews in front of me. One pew in front of me I noticed to the left was a guy I hadn't seen in a year or two (more on that to come, it was Big P's old senior roommate). During Mass she was actively participating which is something I like so I decided to try an introduction. After Mass ended I got ready to talk to her, and out of no where that guy I knew comes running up wanting to shake hands and get all chatty on me. I wanted to explode as I watched that girl get up and walk by as I stood there making pleasantries. But we just got through a special Mass, and I figured this must be God or Mother Mary saying leave her be. So I chatted it up with this guy for awhile and then said my goodbyes.

Now the reason I told you all that was first to say something about the Silver Rose and then to talk about Orphan which came out this weekend and I wanted to see. I was going to ask the girl if she'd like to see it with me if things worked out. But no such luck. At this point I was left to trying to find someone to go with from my friends here in town. Again no takers. And this left me with a choice, either I go by myself or not at all. Back in Denver I ran into this quite a bit. When I first got to Denver I was of the mindset that seeing a movie alone is pathetic and I would not do it. But then I started missing movie after movie that I wanted to see. I remember that one of them was "Devil Wears Prada". The trailer was hilarious, but no one would go with me. Then one day Sarge came online to chat and she said she'd love to see it with me even though she already had. But she was in Illinois and I was in Denver and it had just stopped playing at the theater like the week before. I suppose it also would have been slightly insane to drive 30 some hours (round trip) to go see a movie. But Sarge, if you're reading, thanks for the offer anyway. It was then that I decided that if I couldn't find anyone to go with to a movie I wanted to see I was going to go by myself, pathetic or not. I saw two that way. Grindhouse, and Knocked Up. Both were fantastic and I was happy I went. With this in mind I decided to go see Orphan alone.

And it was fantastic too.


Anonymous said...

Devil Wears Prada was really good...and I would still go see it with you...By the way, it feels pretty fabulous to see my name up there in lights. Makes me have to come out of my anonymous hole and comment. You are probably wondering what I am doing on here at 12:09 at night...Jake fed us part of his caffienated soda (I know i'm not supposed to drink it) and while he is slumbering peacefully...My neurons (and i'm sure baby bears will not rest) so here I am...Well have a good night.......or day

Spike said...

And I think it's pretty fabulous that I got you to comment.

To end that story, I finally saw the movie with Mole (your older but not oldest sibling) before she ran off. At the time, much like our entire relationship, we were having our typical three hour a day talk about whether or not we should keep talking. And needing a break we watched the movie. But we didn't watch much of the movie. Instead after about 15 minutes we started talking again, and kept going for the rest of the movie.