Sunday, January 10, 2010

Honey and Dates

Should I ever get a honey and go on a date with her, I have the perfect dessert for the occassion, honey date cake. Last night I felt experimental and I combined two different cake recipes in an attempt to make the cake. I made it from scratch and used a few special ingredients. For example, I splurged and got special free trade sugar made from evaporated cane juice. And I used King Arthur flour. But after making it I found the flour had too much of it's own flavor and it masked all my other ingredients. So the cake is very tasty but I don't taste the honey and the dates.

Some of the called for ingredients were a bit strange. For example, the recipe I was following called for orange or lemon rinds. Well short of buying an orange or lemon, I was unsure where in the grocery store to find these rinds. They certainly were not in the baking isle. And unfortunately not too many Moms are walking around the store the time of night I was in there.

In the end I didn't want those fancy things anyway. I mainly wanted to only use the honey and dates. Things like ginger, and cinnamon were left out.

Frosting is difficult for me. I never seem to get it right. I use powder sugar, milk and butter. Maybe I should throw and egg white in or something, because the frosting always turns out to be more like icing. It comes out runny, instead of more like a paste.

Speaking of food, after 3 years of grocery shopping at the same store I discovered its deli section. In particular I found their already cooked rotissere chicken. This is fantastic. For 5 dollars I can have an already cooked whole chicken ready to serve. I love finding new ways to get out of cooking.


Anonymous said...

Oh Greg, you have to buy a lemon to get lemon rind, also known as lemon zest. There is a handy little kitchen tool called a zester that you drag across the rind to get the zest. You can also use a grater. Or, if you're in a pinch, you can just squirt sort lemon juice in from a bottle.

What kind of flour did you get that had flavor of its own? Whole wheat?

Also, I would recommend just powdered sugar and milk and maybe a little lemon juice for the frosting. You can just put enough milk in until you get the consistency that you want.

I applaud your efforts in the kitchen though! I would be happy to eat that cake!


Spike said...

How do you girls know all this? Have you taken classes or something? I just got an e-mail from Gurney saying the same thing about the zester tool. Before now, I thought 'zest' was solely a brand of soap.

And yes, I did use white whole wheat flour. I thought being that it is white, that the flour wouldn't have much taste. It is tasty, just not with flavors I was expecting.

Another issue I have is getting the cake out of the pan. And because I'm impatient I don't wait for the cake to cool properly. So it can still be somewhat overly moist inside making for fragile inner bonds. Basically, to get it out I just turn it upside down and start beating the snot out of the pan until something happens. The past two times only a part of the cake fell out and the rest stuck to the bottom. I keep forgetting to grease the pan up. They don't put that step in the recipe. Tastes just fine though.