Thursday, January 14, 2010

You've Got Mail

Today, for the first time, I wrote my Congressmen. Never having written them before, I felt pretty good after doing it. It sort of feels empowering that I used one of my basic civic rights. I wanted to write to them about some of my feelings on the health care reform bill. Not having written them before I tried to find a quick and painless way of doing it, because while I was willing to write a letter, I didn't want to spend any time addressing it and figuring out where to send it.

In my searches I found a link which will automatically direct you to a page with two form letters, one for the House and another for the Senate. The form letter can be completely edited which enables you to write on any topic you choose. At the bottom of the page it asks for your information about who you are and where you live. Based on that the site automatically sends out the letter to everyone who represents you. There's nothing to lookup, it couldn't be easier.

I encourage you to use this site and write letters if you never have before.