Thursday, January 14, 2010

Christina Can Sing Elsewhere

A friend of mine sent me an e-mail yesterday about a relatively new dating website that caters to the sensationally beautiful like myself. It has recently gotten some press because a lot of people suddenly found themselves kicked off the site after the holiday season. Here's how the founder explained the deleted accounts: Letting fatties roam the site is a direct threat to our business model and the very concept for which our website was founded.

Consequently, I will be signing up. First I'm curious if I will even get in as their is a screening process by the opposite sex. After getting constantly rejected, I need to feed my excessive vanity by being objectified and turned into a piece of meat. Second I'm curious about the people who are members. Clearly this site is devoted to the disgustingly shallow, and it will make for a great social science study. For example, I'm curious if the people on this site are actually as vain and shallow as we all assume them to be. For the initial process, I guess what I'm supposed to do is sign up and attach a pic. To make this simple for all of us, I'm just going to use the profile pic I use for this blog. I think it's a great one because both my eyes are open which is a major problem for me.

Now as terrible as this site may be in principle, I can see some redeeming qualities in it and I've mentioned this before. The problem with dating sites is that they don't work the way people do. If someone is going to go and start talking to a stranger in the hopes of possibly starting a relationship, they are naturally going to try to talk to someone they are at least remotely attracted to. You just aren't going up to an a stranger you are not attracted to (beauty is in the eyes of the beholder) and try to start something up. But this needs to be qualified. That stranger we may not be attracted to at first, could become beautiful to you if you become friends through some activity such as volunteering. I've seen that happen all the time. And it's great, and I think is the ideal way of meeting people. But when you use these sites the ideal has been thrown out the window and now you are simply looking at strangers and their profiles. If they aren't attractive you won't click on the profile, unless you want a cruel laugh, and then based on the profile you will decide whether or not to pursue the person further. This new site might simply be trying to revolve around that fact. By having the screening process, the girls are already going to decide whether or not I'm someone they would even be interested in seeing my profile. Unfortunately for me this is probably shooting myself twice. The chances I'm going to get in based on my looks is unlikely, and the chance of me then attracting someone based on my personality is nil. But this will be fun, and should tide me over until the students come back and I can restart working on this the good ole fashioned way.