Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dealing With Rejection

A possible by-product of our relativistic culture is that people have lost all sense of the truly beautiful. I suppose it's true to an extent that 'beauty lies in the eye of the beholder', but for example, while you may not particularly care for one type of flower, surely there's at least one you can appreciate.

Music and art are other such categories. How anyone could possibly look upon the fresco's of the Sistine Chapel and not be filled with awe is beyond me. Foods too have the universal ability to be fondly viewed by all.

All of us have felt that need within us to share those things we find truly beautiful with others. But now in this silly culture we live in, some of us may feel it would be impolite or intrusive to share our joy with others. Not only might not all appreciate what we are so fond of, but they might be downright offended by it. And the result of this, is that the joy we have built up inside of us is diminished and saddened. Only in this crazy culture could something that brings tears of joy at the same time bring us heartache.

So, I am quite positive that it is due to this relativistic culture that can no longer even appreciate the beautiful, that I was rejected from that new site I joined. Either I am not beautiful and I am deluding myself, or everyone of the opposite sex on that site is wrong. Well considering that this site has already established my sensationalism in all aspects of life, I have to conclude that girls simply do not know a good thing when it's sitting right in front of them.