Sunday, January 24, 2010

Salsa Not To Eat

This weekend I asked a friend of mine out for salsa dancing. I actually got a yes. Even more amazing, she was actually willing to skip out on some out of town guests for an hour or so to go with me. We were supposed to go around 11:00, and I was going to check in with her at 10 to see if she was still willing to bail on her guests. She didn't pick up at 10. That was a bad sign. At 11 she called me, saying she just got back. She and her guests had gone out to dinner and it took a very long time. In fact they were still out, and she decided to leave them to get back home. By this point, it was quite late and we were too tired to just then be going out. Nevertheless, I still think this turned out pretty well. We did talk for awhile on the phone, but the problem is I didn't think to setup another outing. I haven't decided yet how I want to handle that. My plan for now is to just try asking her again next Friday with the hopes that she'll speak up before then.