Saturday, November 13, 2010

Mixing Generations

In town there is a place for salsa dancing that is meant for beginners. Despite their being a large showing and earlier hours I rarely go. This is because I am not a very smart person. I decided to go last night because I knew a few of the other students in the class I'm taking were going to be there too and it would make it really easy to ask someone to dance. I also went because there was one girl in the class I took an interest to, and I made sure to be very charming to her friends as a way to get closer to her.

So I went and sure enough the five of them were there. Right away I asked one of the girls, Annie, to dance and struck up a conversation with her. She lives in town and has a full time job as an English teacher as a second language to international students. This was rather interesting to me. First I wanted to know if she works primarily with one ethnicity or several. She said she works with students from all over the world. So then I asked if she speaks any other languages and she said German and a little sign language. That surprised me a little bit. I know from movies that when you take a foreign language at something like a community college usually they take the immersion approach where the teacher only speaks in that language, but it sounds so difficult to me. I realize this is how babies learn but I still think it sounds hard.

I also found out that her sister, who was also there, is best friends with the girl I was interested in. Hopefully you're catching the past tense in these references. Eventually I danced with Annie's friend Rachel. Now Rachel I believe is in public accounting. She mentioned she started dancing on and off since her first year of grad school in 2001. So Rachel is a few years older than me. She then said Annie's sister and her friend were still in school at a nearby smaller town and were 19. Come again? 19? Well that just won't do at all.

But at least the dancing part was fun. I got to practice all the moves we learned in class and had some nice people to do it with.


Anonymous said...

Too bad about the young interest, but it sounds promising that you met some nice people your own age! You should go out with them again! WAM