Monday, November 8, 2010

Para bailar la bamba

'La Bamba' is not a song I generally listen to when it is on the radio. Maybe it's because I couldn't understand the words, or didn't care much for the beat, but it's never been one of my favorites. But today I find it stuck in my head. I like Cal Tjader's version, and you should go here on a separate tab and click play on one of the available titles and read on while it's playing.

Around 11:30 this Friday I went out salsa dancing. It's a disgusting time of night to be doing anything but unfortunately all I have to work with. But this time there was a girl from my current set of classes, and we danced for about and hour and a half. It was a mixed bag. She definitely wanted to dance and had no problem saying as much. The problem was I was having troubles, as always, remembering the moves from class. That and there was this really good guy, possibly an instructor, there who would ask her to dance occasionally. And she looked incredible, dance wise I mean, which made it difficult for me because here she goes with this pro and now she's got to come back down to my level again. Now, she is technically probably around my level, after all we are in the same class, but she can follow a lead and that made all the difference between dancing with me and dancing with the pro.

Close to 1 I started getting a vibe that she was either no longer having as good a time or possibly getting sleepy and was ready to quit. So I took that as my time to say goodnight. Here I had a bit of a dilemma. It was 1 and I didn't think her friends were there anymore. So I thought maybe I should see if she wanted me to walk her to her car, assuming she would be leaving too. But she stuck me as a bit of an independent who was already grumpy about something, and I didn't want to come off as trying to be more than a social aquaintance, so I decided against it. Now I wish I had anyway because it was simply the right thing to do. Well we have our last class this Wednesday so I'll see her then and get a new reading on her.

I noticed that around 12:30 the bar started filling up. The girl I was dancing with said the music had started at 9:30. I just do not understand why people have to start things so late in the day. 9:30 isn't too bad, but it only works if you have a partner because no one else is there then. I guess this or a wedding (traditionally the Bamba is a wedding dance between the new husband and wife) is what is needed "para bailar la bamba"