Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Momentary Lapse of Reason

How fitting that tomorrow is Tasteful Thursday. Being that tomorrow is Thanksgiving, today seemed as good a time as any for me to relate to you one personal story of thanks.

Yesterday, while walking into work, I had both hands filled. My left hand was holding my lunch and my right arm was holding my laptop which was in this satchel I have that has a belt that hangs from my shoulder. While walking, I noticed that the opening to the satchel was facing me. That's the bumpy side of it, and I prefer to have it facing out so that the flat side is up against me. But since my left hand was full, switching it around with one hand seemed to challenging to navigate. And then I had an idea. I could simply throw the satchel up into the air, and while it was up there I could grab the belt from behind and this would turn the satchel around.

Well I did this. It fell right to the concrete ground below, making what would otherwise be a very satisfying thud. Actually, I didn't even really throw it up so good. The computer is a little heavy and it's awkward trying to throw it up it into the air by the belt. From a distance I imagine it would have looked like I took it off my shoulder and threw it directly onto the ground with a little flourish.

When I got the computer into the office, it didn't boot up. Then with the help of a co-worker I realized that one of the two parts that connects the monitor to the computer looked funny. So I poked at it and found it had been dislodged and clipped back into place. And then my computer turned on. The problem now was that moving the monitor caused funny behavior. Some positions put it into hibernate mode, and other positions would turn the entire computer off or on.

I took it into the computer store and they said it would cost me at a minimum $85 and take 2 to 6 weeks. That was no good so I took it back home. It still worked, I just couldn't move the monitor. Well last night I got back on it, and found that it worked pretty good. I was able to adjust the monitor pretty well and it didn't once abruptly turn off on me for the couple hours it was on. So I'm thankful that God had mercy on this brainless wonder.