Friday, November 19, 2010

Digging For the Roots

My sister decided to go to the dentist the other day. When I went after so many years, I was told I had 6 cavities. Despite the impressiveness of my diagnosis, when she went after so long she was told she had several cavities and needed a root canal. The poor thing just cannot seem to find good health.

On Wednesday she had her appointment. Mom stayed the night on Tuesday at her place so she could be with Brittany for the "operation". "Operation" is the term Brittany used to describe the root canal to me. My Mom however was in the room when my sister said this to me, and disagreed that this was an "operation". She didn't have to say anything else, we all knew this meant, "let me tell you about some 'operations'." And she's right, what has been done to my Mom makes root canals seem about on the level of clipping your fingernails.

Brittany got all drugged up the night before, and I gave her a call pretty late because I wanted to talk to her while she was high as a kite. But this time the medication she took didn't have any hallucinatory effects. I think she's had her wisdom teeth out and for that she did have some rather strong meds. Apparently, after the surgery Mom found her in her living room having a two-way conversation with one of her plants.

Despite the fun attitude I was taking to this, I was a nice brother and wished her a very successful and pain free "operation". Unfortunately this was not to be. During the operation Mom, who was in the waiting room, started hearing some commotion. Then someone came out for her. One of Brittany's kidneys was flaring up. Even though it's been over a year, Brittany still has 3 kidney stones, and at the moment she thought one was about to pass. They did everything they could to make her comfortable but ultimately they just had to wait until the pain subsided. The entire "operation" took 5 hours. At one point someone came and offered my Mom juice and cookies. Brittany too was given some snacks.

The next day I gave Brittany a call and found her to be her regular self. She said that her face was rather swollen though, and said it looked like she gained two pounds. However, her natural chubby cheeks do to a marvelous job hiding the majority of the swelling.