Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mr. Wiley's Winning Technique

The onset of colder weather and the looming Christmas holiday, could potentially make single girls a little less picky. During these times, single ladies may be looking for both a warm body, and somebody more special than usual to celebrate our Lord's birth. This is my theory, because I have had significantly more traffic than usual these past couple months on the two dating sites I'm signed up to. And on one of them, I basically have page that I plan on only changing if I find somebody I want to talk to first. With the exception of one, none of these girls have really been what I'm looking for, and the one was a bit too young. Actually I was surprised I hadn't seen her before, when I realized the reason being because I filter out girls that young.

I suppose this odd winter phenomenon could work both ways too. However, this is not the case with me because if it were then I would have responded to any of those numerous e-mails I received. Nevertheless, since I am certainly not attracting or winning any dates with my current approach, maybe it is time to try an alternative method.

Meet Bob Wiley. Like me, Bob can only muster a few words out from his vocabulary when he finds someone he would like to meet. This is a problem I have long sought a solution too. Observe the repetitious manner in which Bob uses only a few words. This is a simple technique and I think that with a little practice on some strangers at the grocery store I too can become quite deft with just a few words.