Friday, November 5, 2010

Every Vote Counts

Last week I won the Halloween Costume Contest where I work. There were 19 votes cast for 5 costumes and I received 13 of them. Yay!

This week we had a chili contest. I have never entered before, but I was sort of in the mood for chili and figured this was as good an excuse to make it as any, so I gave it a try. Making chili is a bit of an art. First off you have to decide which kind you want. For example, you could go real crazy and make an all white chili with chicken and white beans. But I wanted to go more traditional with just beef and red beans.

There are many kinds of beef at the grocery store. There's ground round, chuck, sirloin, and extra lean. I went with ground chuck. And as for the beans I made it with two types, light red kidney beans and red chili beans.

Making it wasn't too bad, as I had a recipe both written down and somethings I wanted to try in my head. It isn't too hard following a recipe all you have to do is simply what your told. Add a can of tomatoes, add a can of beans, add 3-4 teaspoons of salt, add an onion. Uh-oh. That was 3/4 a teaspoon of salt. I had accidentally misread the amount of salt. I realized my mistake right away and tried my best to scoop it all out, but the damage was done. After I cooked it all up and tried it, the salty taste was definitely present. Still it wasn't inedible and I rather liked the after taste, despite it not being like the way Mom makes it, so I decided to enter it in the competition anyway.

There were three other entries in the competition. Two of them I did not care for. Others may have but they weren't for me. But the fourth one was quite good. In fact it tasted like Mom's. And now I had a problem, because I didn't think it would be right to vote for mine if I preferred anothers. So I went back up and got another helping of each. But I couldn't make up my mind. I really did like mine, but I couldn't decide if I liked it more. Then I started doing small samples of each, like at an ice-cream deli. Hmmm, I've never heard of deli being used with ice-cream before but I like it. In the end I decided that mine was a bit too rich for me and that I would only want it in small quantities, whereas the competition was timeless. So I voted for it.

Then the votes were counted. Since I didn't vote for mine, I didn't think I was going to get very many. But then they called out a vote for it, then another, and another, and another. I got four votes in total. And those other two I didn't care for trailed me. So it was between me and the one I vote for. I could barely stand the anticipation of finding out. But soon enough the competition received it's fifth vote and finally it's sixth. I had lost. But then I did a little math. If I had voted for myself and not the winner then he would have only gotten 5 votes. And I would have gotten 5 votes. And we would have tied for first!

So let this be a lesson to us all. Every vote counts.