Friday, May 7, 2010

Twisted Up in Cable

My cable bill went up this month by 11.8%. However, I can't complain because the quality of the available programming has noticeably increased as well with the addition of new hit stations such as Jewerly TV. This really is rather ludicrous. In this area of the country a standard of living raise is at 4%. Essentially if you can't pull that off once a year, either your skill set doesn't match your profession, or your job is about to go away altogether. Maybe I should read my own posts. Anyway, my point is that this arbitrary increase in cost to my cable bill seems a bit exorbitant. If an average raise is 4%, cable companies shouldn't be increasing their bills by 11.8%.

With internet TV options like Hulu becoming more and more available it's little wonder cable companies are increasing their prices. They have to pay the networks to host their channels. And the cable companies are going pay for that by increasing my bill as more and more others continue to drop their service.

Since Monk ended, I've found nothing on that I don't mind missing. I didn't want to miss an episode of Monk, I don't care if I miss an episode of anything currently on TV.

Since I got rid of the internet I haven't missed it. Maybe once a month I think that it would be nice to have, but it's usually to look up a recipe. But I already have a recipe book named Mom. She comes for free, and I already know I like what she has to offer. When you look up a recipe online there's no telling if you're going to like what it has you create. Oh sure some of the recipes come with ratings and reviews but their is no accounting for taste. And people who like mushroom bread may be writing some of those reviews. So now maybe it's time to cancel my cable subscription as well.

Canceling cable might be harder. One summer I did go without it and didn't miss it, but at the same time I did have the internet. Now I'd be without both. I haven't decided yet but I'm fairly close to pulling out the cord. If I were to do this, not including the internet savings, I'd save almost a thousand dollars a year on the cable alone. Which would be just about enough to cover the loss I took this week on the stock market. Stupid Greece.