Friday, May 14, 2010

Pit Crew Training

One of my Dad's co-workers had to go to Germany for a one-two week business trip. Because he was traveling with others in the company he decided to car pool over to the airport and left his car in the company parking lot. This is a fairly small company, and so the parking is small. It's not like the size of a grocery store parking lot, more like the size of a good size dentist office's parking lot. Anyway, the parking lot is adjacent to a street that I wouldn't say gets a ton of traffic, but it certainly doesn't have too many dull moments.

Just a few days ago my Dad got a call from another one of his co-workers who had gone in a bit early in the morning to get started. The guy's car was on blocks.

While impressive this is not the best I've heard. Apparently a few years ago where I live, a lady went into Radio Shack and came out to find her car on blocks. This may be a popular rumor in town, we don't know. But if there is any truth to this tale, and certainly for the case of my Dad's co-worker, we may be looking at a potential pit crew legend.

Wheels are not the only parts being taken from cars anymore. Apparently the new craze is catalytic converters. I didn't know anything about them, so I learned and now you are going to as well if you don't know. They are the big metal container that is located under the car and attached to the tail-pipe. Catalytic converters reduce the toxicity of car emissions. The reason they are being taken is because they have platinum in them which can be retrieved and then sold for high prices.