Monday, May 17, 2010

Too Much Purple

This weekend I went out to one of our really old department stores here in town looking for a shirt and tie. I had never been there before but I thought it would be fun to check them out before going to the mall. This place used to be four stories with a uniform department, women's and men's department, and then a Scout department for children in the basement. After a bit of looking I decided on a shirt and tie. The problem with that shirt is that even though it's my size, there is entirely too much material. I asked if they had a more suitable cut but he said they only had the trim cut in light blue and white. Since I already have to many light blue shirts and I didn't want white I went with my shirt, violet, and made up my mind to take it to a tailor.

The sales guy recommended where I take it for alterations. So quickly I rode home picked up my pants, which I also wanted altered since I felt they really were coming up too high, and my vest which isn't part of the suit but still needed to be tightened up a bit.

Sweat shops are a terrible thing. Still it was difficult not smile when I arrived at the altering shop and found it full of clothes and being worked by two Asians, a lady and a guy. The lady told me to go into their dressing room and put everything on. When I came out she started with the shirt. She asked "Why you buy so big?" I said, "The shirt is actually my size, but this is America they make these for big people." She laughed, pointed to the guy who I think is her husband and said, "He has to shop in boy department." At this point the man who was bent over a sewing machine looked back at me, smiled and waved. I'm unsure if he speaks any English, but he seemed to know she was talking about him. I suppose shopping the children's department wouldn't be too bad, but unfortunately 'OshKosh B'gosh' doesn't have a formal department.

Next she moved onto my pants, which drew the exclamation, "You grew, you grew!" I said I hadn't it's just that the first altering made them too short. She pulled a ruler out and said I need an inch and a half. She kept repeating it to me "inch and half, inch and half", making me think I was supposed to write it down on something. And maybe I was because she certainly didn't so I hope she remembers.

The vest was uneventful. I'm a little apprehensive about the price for all of this because she didn't give me one. She just said come back Friday. The pants should be cheap but the shirt and vest are likely going to be quite a bit more. I'm hoping everything won't be more than $40, but we shall see.