Monday, October 26, 2009


On Saturday night, two guys I know came into town and needed a place to stay so I offered them my place. Both guys are very nice, and did their best to not make messes. Nevertheless I tend to be a bit of a germaphobe, or at least clean-aholic. It's not so much when it's just me, but more when I'm around others. For example, I am okay with my own messes, like say dirty dishes, but I don't want to see other people's dirty dishes. Because of these quirks, which I'm told many people tend to feel the same about, I try to get my place clean when I know people are coming. And I try to do cleaning that I would otherwise not do. For example, if my parents are coming, I'll wash my bed sheets. I know if I were sleeping in someone else's bed I would want those sheets clean. It's not like I soil them or what not, but still I'm sure my parents appreciate having freshly cleaned sheets. Or maybe I'll spend a bit more time cleaning the toliet or shower.

These guys come over, and like I said they did their best to be plesant and tidy. But I must have been in a sour mood this weekend, because it seemed like every little thing they did set me off. Like the personality of one of the guys just annoyed me to no end. Several times I found myself needing to pause for a few moments to keep my temper in check. I kept telling myself, he's trying to be plesant, nothing he's doing should be getting me so upset, but oh man was he getting on my nerves. I think we all know people like that, who may be extremely nice but for some reason their personality does not go well with our own. In my case this guy was driving me nuts.

And again they tried to be very clean. I noticed that my shower was absolutely spotless after they used it. Like beyond even what I would call clean. I saw no hair in the tub, and I looked. They even cleaned out the drain. Although I think they just flushed whatever may have been in the drain down because I didn't see any wet hair in my waste basket. I mention that only because I worry about the potential clogging that could occur. Nevertheless the shower was spotless. The toliet was in pretty good shape, but I still sterlized it anyway. What I did notice was the sink area. The mirror was covered in water stains. Like if I didn't know better I would say they tried to dry their hands on my mirror. It was so bad you'd think they would have had to try to accomplish what they did. And the thing is I have a hand towel right there. If you make a mess and splash a bit on the mirror, which I myself will be the first to admit to doing, just take the hand towel and dry off the splashes. No big deal. The other thing I took note of was the smell. That morning when I woke up the smell of these two was suffocating. I didn't notice it at first. It wasn't until I went outside and then came back in that I became overwhelmed. Right away I threw the windows open, but claimed it was merely too hot. One of the guys did not cover his mouth when he coughed, and when I told him to do so he actually tried to justify it saying it was a dry cough. When we cough we cover our mouths. This isn't a point open for debate.

Finally, and probably my biggest gripe was that they slept on my couch and more gripingly my recliner. The couch I can understand. It's very comfortable, that's why I bought it. The recliner though is a recliner. You sit in recliner, maybe dose off for a quick nap. But they aren't meant for a full night's sleep. They aren't made for that, and you're gonig to wake up sore. So I asked them why they slept on them. The couch as comfortable as it may be, is just so cushiony that it's likely to kill your back, and I've already mentioned the problems with the recliner. I argued to them that the floor in all likely hood would have been the better choice. And it's not like I don't have thick carpeting. For a long while I slept on the floor in that apartment because my air mattress had holes, but that is an article for another tasteful Thursday. But really my gripe was that those two pieces of furniture are leather. If you aren't familiar with leather, the big problem with it is that skin destroys it. The oils from our skin just ruin it. And you can get the impression of this first hand because you will probably notice if you have any exposed skin that it will start to stick to the leather after a very short period of time. Now keep it there for a full night. Take a tip from the ladies man, making out on a leather couch is downright silly. Put a blanket down or something. I don't mind so much if a girl sleeps on my couch and recliner, just because I tend to equate girls with cleanliness and they seem to use pillows and blankets more than the guys I have over. Although I do not appreciate when girls fail to wash to makeup off properly before they lay their head down for the night. That stuff gets everywhere. No, I'm not speaking to any of my girl readers I know of. I just know of some girls who don't always wash their faces before bed at night. Anyway, the reason for the gripe is that I don't want that leather getting ruined by anyone older than 7 years old. I'll make exceptions for kids because they are kids, and it's just a couch and recliner, they aren't exactly important. But not 20-some year olds who should know better. So I took the time to use my cleaners afterwards.

The thing is these guys are both nice and they were clean. The little things I mentioned can and do happen to everyone and I'm only pointing them out just because I wanted something to blog about. Nevertheless, I was grossed out, to a very small degree to be sure (okay I found the coughing issue to be quite nasty), twice and it made we wonder about that fundamental question. These guys both have/had girlfriends, I must be doing something very wrong.


Anonymous said...

I slept on your couch. I may not have washed my face before I did it. However, I did put down a blanket first. It just doesn't feel good to have leather against your skin when you sleep.

I seem to remember hearing music from below when I slept on the floor.