Sunday, October 18, 2009

Crack in the Plan

Cats are not my favorite pet. In fact they are about the last pet I would like to have. Everyone just screams about how clean they are. Just because they lick themselves, and go potty in a box doesn't make them clean. They still get their hair everywhere. My biggest problem with cats is that they are tempermental. Sometimes they can't get enough of you and the rest of the time if you so much as look at them they try to claw you to shreds. If I want I'll just go talk to one of my girl friends. Unfortunately my kitty-kat has been tempermental lately. I found out on Friday that the radiator has a crack in it. And because it's a finicky animal not just any radiator will do. So with labor the whole job and radiator is going to be a little over a thousand dollars.

That puts a bit of a damper on the working-holiday I was planning. Fixing the car is going to be about half the price of the trip. What a shame. So now I'm unsure what I'm going to do. Gurney maybe you'll be hearing from me after all. The problem with even that is now I probably need to hold off until December because of the upcoming retreat. But then the weather is going to be cold and miserable. At that point I should be heading South not just directly West.