Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Tibet is off. Unfortunately, the organization I wanted to go through does not currently have any projects there, although they have in the past so maybe in a few months they'll start one back up. So that leaves me with teaching the Monks in Nepal or saving the forests of Peru. As much as I would like to go to Peru to help with the conservation efforts, I imagine I would die in my first 10 minutes. Everything about that place is different than here. They have mountains we have flat walking. They have jungles we have soy beans. It is tropical there and it's close enough to being winter here. Although every single one of those reasons is what makes it so desirable.

I don't know much about Nepal. I should probably get a book on it. Sorta convenient being at the library. All I know is that it is where Buddhism was founded. The pics look pretty good too. The organization said I could be approved in time for the first week of November. So that's fantastic. So long as I don't waste too much time I can actually see this through.