Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blue Moon

Taking my own advice, when I was at the library the other day after I finished my post I went to go look at the travel section to see if there were any books available on Nepal. There was one which detailed 12 treks that hikers may want to look into.

Unimpressed, I made to leave to check out what Borders had. On my way out I walked by a small cluster of four computers. I thought they were for looking at microfilm because they have big bulky monitors and are clearly set aside for some special purpose. But at one of these computers there was a girl looking at Facebook. And this girl was a stunner. Not so much lust-hot but I'd say quite near a 10 on wife-hot, definitely a 9. A 9 comes along about one every year. And I've only known one person I considered a 10 so for me this was a special occasion (spell checker is fantastic, I always put 2 's' in this word). Now I am not so exceptionally shallow as this post (and probably most of my previous ones) would have you expect. However, being a guy I certainly appreciate a pretty lady, and when they are this pretty certain actions are required. After all this only happens once a year. But there was a problem. I could think of no way to approach her. I thought about just going up and telling her like it was. "Excuse me miss, I just wanted to say you're really pretty." And be on my way if she had nothing to say back. But I thought that would be a bit creepy. Gurney, later that evening, concurred. Much later that evening I decided that something so simple as that would have been alright. Paying someone a compliment isn't a big deal, and if something came of it the better. I guess I'll know better next time. Leave and learn I suppose.

Now the next thing I want to talk about is Nepal. I wrote the Nepalese government yesterday to ask them if the organization I want to work through is a legitimately recognized corporation in their country. The US Department of State has an e-mail address that you can write to which is sent to Nepal, specifically for this purpose. Apparently there are a few shady organizations over there, and the legitimate ones are registered with the government. No word back yet on that. Also I've been having my first few misgivings on the matter. While I would be extremely excited to work with either children or the Monks, the $2500+ price for it all is not exciting. Plus I am feeling a little rushed trying to plan this all with basically 2 weeks left to go, and no real information yet on how this is all supposed to go down. Like I need to arrange the air-fare, get my application in, figure out how to get a VISA. Yes I could just get one in Kathmandu, but I'd rather not fly all the way over there only to find out for some reason I get turned down. When I traveled in the past this was never a problem but this is a new experience and I want my VISA before I fly there. Essentially I don't want to leave anything up for questions. But it seems that the people I am working with do not share my sense of urgency. If this doesn't happen, which it might not, my favorite people in the world, a group of Italian nuns I knew as an undergrad, are planning a trip to Italy in June. So if I do not do this volunteering program, hopefully I can at least go to Italy for a week.

The next thing to mention is that last week the Mass and pancakes did not happen. It got pushed till tomorrow. So hopefully tomorrow I will have something to report. Fortunately, I have a really good conversation starter, which is this whole working-holiday business. That should give me some face time with her. Plus I have a good joke to tell about that 83 year father.