Monday, October 5, 2009


The past few days have kept me a bit busy. I've been trying to write my talk and it's been taking away from my typical posting time. The talk has been a bit tricky for me. I've given it once before about 5 years ago and still have that original speech. I was very pleased with it and it has aged well. The problem with it is that I didn't feel that it reached the audience. Oh they greatly liked it, but the talk is on Christian Living and I want to stir in these people a renewed effort to either get on the right path or keep on it if they are already are. Last time I don't think I accomplished that.

So far the new talk has been slow going. But it's going. I don't actually give it until mid-November but I have to preview it twice, first this Thursday and then next Monday. Which means I at least need a good version of it ready to go. I can change it all I want after the fact but I need to have something soon.

Anyway that's why the blogs haven't been up to par. But to try and keep you entertained last night I went to a social where a lot of my friends were gathered. We were making smores around a fire pit. That girl I'm interested in also happened to be there. No I didn't talk to her, I couldn't think of any good conversation starters, but she did pay attention to the conversations I was having when she was nearby. I tried to be a bit sly though. The pertinent details are three seats at the fire pit. The left most seat was open, the middle seat was taken by my friend and the right most seat was occupied by the girl. I was behind them and wanted to sit down, particularly in that middle seat. Directly behind them, were I happened to be standing there was another row of people. And my friend and the girl had their marshmellows in the fire. So I decided to try and play it off that I couldn't get to the leftmost seat easily and asked my friend if he would mind scooting over to his left so I could get in (this created a nice gap for me to get in, it's sort of hard to describe without an illustration). And I got to sit next to the girl. I think though that my intention was a bit too obvious. At the time I was thinking about saying something like "Could you please scoot over, I can't get to the chair next to you easily with your sticks in the fire and the people behind me." It was more of a half truth than anything else. So out of ear shot I asked my friend, "was it obvious?" He knew what I meant and said "yep." Oh well, I still enjoyed my smores.

One of my friends on campus, who happens to be a girl, says my chief problem is that I need to act like a grown up. Her opinion is that I don't act mature enough. That's probably true, in public at least. One-on-one or at work, I find most people say I'm too serious and grown up, but when it's time to have fun I do tend to act like a little kid.

The thing about all of this is that just earlier that day I got a phone call from a guy who is having lady troubles and wanted my advice because he thinks I'm good around ladies. I just can't win. I feel like Hitch, minus being black, good-looking and cool.