Thursday, October 8, 2009

Why So Serious?

Having a manager is tough. Gurney has been complaining that these latest posts are not humorous enough. Apparently, just being amusing is not enough. These have to be laugh out loud funny. I can't consistently have some gut-busting new post to tell nearly everyday. Gah, there's so much pressure.
Maybe I need another vacation to take my mind off the stresses of having a blog. The old saying goes that "God provides" and He may be coming through in spades right now. My situation at work isn't changing and it doesn't look like it's going to for quite sometime. And the talks with my managers have been interesting. All of them say emphatically that they will not ask an employee to take a vacation. However it's a different story, when asked whether or not they recommend I take a vacation. One said, it would be a good consideration if I have somewhere to go. Another simply said that now would be a good time to do so. But when asked if by not taking a vacation and instead continue charging to "Awaiting Coverage" I am increasing my chances of being laid off the answer varies from probably not to not. So I guess I will just keep charging to the company. Sorry Gurney no visits yet.
This post wasn't very funny either. I'll do my best to have something funny for you tomorrow. It should be easy enough. I will be seeing that girl again bright and early for Mass and pancakes, so there will be plenty of good opportunities for me to completely humiliate myself. Hmmm...that sort of sounds like Gurney is rooting for me to fail. I love friends.