Friday, February 12, 2010

Stressful Expressions of Love

Two years ago I failed to send my sister a Valentine's Day card. I can't remember all the details on why I didn't but I believe there were quite a few. For starters I just didn't want to deal with the hassle of it. Secondly, I think we were fighting because I have some small memory in the back of my head about me saying that calling me names and screaming at me doesn't get you a lovely card and box of chocolates. Anyway she was not pleased, especially considering that she got me a a card, and I took hell for it. Well the next year I decided to be the big man and get her a card. But she didn't get me one! And when I told her about it she laughed. She screamed 'Bloody Murder' when I didn't get her one two years ago but last year it wasn't all that important. People are not allowed to change if it in anyway effects me. So now we are in the present year, and I'm told that I have to get her a card. The way I see it we're skipping every year, which makes this year her turn. Apparently though, if you have kidney stones, the world starts and stops at your every whim, and my sister has decided that she wants a card from me this year, even though she won't be home to receive it since she's going to Pittsburgh for the weekend. Mom decided for me that I will be sending her one nevertheless. And I did. I found a post card with a guy falling off a ladder. I told her to get better if she ever wants to have a hope of getting a card from someone other than her brother. I then nicely told her that I hope she feels better and that her pain goes away soon. Then I advised her that if she has to choose between eating candy as a comfort food or popping pain pills, that she should take the pills. It would be cheaper for her to come off that addiction than go back on Jenny Craig. Besides, I'd rather see her thin and addicted rather than fat and happy. Upon reading this to my Mom she thought it was a bit unloving, but I pointed out that she needs to consider the letter as a whole. After all, I did wish her a Happy V-Day, a happy trip and quick recovery from her surgeries. The whole thing is just darling. I also pointed out that at least someday she will have a guy writing her cards, whereas I will likely be only ever to count on her (occasionally at best if we take last year into account) and Mom.

The girl I'm interested in sings in the 12 o'clock choir on Sundays. During that time this Sunday I plan on giving her a Valentine gift too. The gift is just going to be a very juvenile card, possibly made by myself, with a rhyming poem I wrote up, and a box of some sort of candy, probably those candy hearts. It's meant to get a laugh, without coming off as creepy, and give her the clue that I am interested. My idea is to surprise her with it. On Sunday, hopefully she ride over to Church on her bike. Her bike has one of those baskets on the handlebars for holding stuff. I want to put the gift in the basket while she is at Mass, so that way when she comes out it'll be a surprise. Now, if she doesn't ride her bike to Mass I was thinking about stopping by her apartment and leaving it there. While I could give it to her in person, I think that takes a way a bit from the fun and potentially sets up an awkward situation.

If this doesn't at least generate a dinner date, then I think I'm through. The poem I wrote up is one of my better works, being both humorous and not weird (no sign of Aspies here), and the idea of surprising her with it rather than creating some sort of mushy situation is the best I can do. So if this doesn't work, I'm not sure what if anything will.


Anonymous said...

Good for you for doing bold but not creepy on V Day. You are right to leave it for her (not give it in person) and to call the whole thing off if you don't get a positive response and dinner date from this. Time to move on to other things!