Thursday, February 4, 2010

No Fireworks But Maybe A Firecracker

Apparently my last few posts have not been entertaining enough, because I have only been receiving requests for updates on my lady situation. Since "Salsa Not To Eat" there have been a few little events worth mentioning. First off, that Monday when I went into work I was told that I needed to take the next two days off. Being completely free on Tuesday, I called up my lady of interest and asked if she'd like to join me for lunch. And it was lovlay and chatted for a long time. We also talked a bit about our missed salsa opportunity. We kept trying to set a new date in stone but continued to distract ourselves with other tangents that we wanted to talk about, and eventually we looked at the clock and realized we both needed to get moving. Well only she needed to, I could have sat there for hours being on vacation, but I played along to appear as though I have some life.

Later that week, Thursday maybe, she gave me a buzz while I was at work. She was trying to find someone to pick her up from the hospital way off in the middle of no where. She didn't want to bother me but said I was the only person she called who answered the phone. So I got to play hero for the day and pick her up. Sure I may have been last fiddle, but I still got to save the day nevertheless.

We did not get to dance this past weekend. She had a friend come in from out of town, her old love no less, and was very excited about it. Just wonderful. But she said she is over him when I made 'woo-woo' noises at her.

Now in the past, whenever I want to get closer to a girl without making it seem blatantly obvious, I try to organize some event and invite the girl I'm interested in along with everyone else. This actually tends to work out fairly well for me. Or at least these things tend to fare better percentage wise than all my other attempts to get closer to a girl. In this case I'm sticking with salsa. She's into dancing and wants to do more of it. Thus today I sent out a mass e-mail to everyone I know who likes to salsa and provide them a list of classes and places in town that have salsa dancing at night. I also told them where and when I would be this Friday night. So hopefully the girl I like will take note and join in. Even if no one responds to my e-mail I'm still going out anyway. If nothing else I'll be meeting new people.

Oh and something else I just remembered. While we were at lunch she told me she's going to be here for another 2 years after this year. That's a great plus because it'll give me some time to work on things with her. Although I would be absolutely shocked if anything came of this. I really do not think she's all that interested in me. But I think I can at least get a date with her. I think that if I don't hear from her Friday or Saturday that I will give her a call on Sunday to see if she wants to go out to eat again.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Sounds like a good plan, especially going out on Friday even if no one answers.


Spike said...

Now that USA has sadly finished up with 'Monk' and has moved 'Pysch' and 'White Collar' to other days, I have to find something to do with my Fridays. Dancing doesn't seem like too bad an alternative.