Friday, February 5, 2010

It's Friday Night and the Moon is Bright

Sitting here in my old dorm's caf with a soda and my computer I had some time to kill so I thought I'd give you all a quick update. It is disgusting outside right now. Everything is a slushy mess and my poor kittykat doesn't like it one bit. But not all is sad. I made a few calls earlier tonight to see if anyone was interested in salsa, and two of my friends wanted to come, a stud and a doll. With them in hand, I then called up the girl I'm interested in and she said she'd love to come. Fantastic. Stay tuned for a full report of my epic mishandling of this fortunate situation.


Anonymous said...

Come on, positive thinking! Learn from past mistakes, move on.

Lots more than slush down south here - serious blizzard. It's a miracle that I still have internet access and electricity!