Thursday, February 18, 2010

Yes but No

Last night I called up the girl I'm interested in to ask her on a date. But I wasn't about to just put all my chips in without first attempting to read her. I decided that before I would ask her on a date for this Friday I would first play it safe and see if she wanted to go Salsa dancing like two weeks ago. If she wanted to go dancing then I was going to ask her out to dinner before we met up with our friends later in the night. So I asked her and she did want to go. Very much so. And then she told me that she couldn't because she was going home Friday afternoon for a meeting early Saturday with one of her coaches. She thought about whether or not she could work it out somehow, but in the end she couldn't and so no salsa. Well with that in mind I wasn't going to bring up the notion of a dinner date. Sunday won't work because of her dance lessons and if she's going to be out of town all weekend she may need the night to focus on her studies. But maybe next week I'll think of something.

Nevertheless I was still encouraged because after we established the fact that she isn't going to be here this weekend and I was getting ready to get off the phone she wanted to keep talking. The only problem with all of this is that it's not exactly easy for me to push that call button every time. It's a rather odd phenomenon I think that is universal. For the most part we can call up our friends and just say let's meet up at some time. It's not a big deal, we can do it without thinking about it. But the moment that person becomes someone we're interested in then it becomes an ordeal. Now we may want to rehearse or write down what we're going to say before hand. Yes, I have done both before in the past. and neither work. Maybe we need to be in a safe or comfortable place. And it has to be devoid of any background noise with a clear strong connection so there's no chance that we misunderstand or miss out on the call. And it's all to ask the exact same question we'd ask our friends without a passing thought. All of a sudden, "Hey let's go catch the new flick at the theater" becomes the most courageous undertaking of our lives. So as far as I'm concerned that makes me the black knight.