Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Door Number 3

Fortunately, my sister thought her Valentine's Day card was quite nice and it made her laugh. I think she took the easy way out though. While her hand made card was quite nice on the outside, on the inside there wasn't much content. Believe it or not I do look on the inside of things too. My card was big which meant I had a lot of white space to fill, whereas hers was small so she didn't have to write more than a few sentences. And her handwriting uses a large font size. Anyway, we both managed to get through it without screaming or crying so as far as things goes, V-Day for my sister and I was a success.

As for the girl I'm interested in, her response was unexpected. Let's start at the beginning. First I made her card and the envelope. The card itself was nothing more than a sheet of paper with the poem I wrote and two hearts drawn with a red crayon. I like the minimalist look from time to time, and I did it nice. The poem itself was written in a special font which I developed to look like a small child wrote it with meticulous care. Coming up with the poem and writing it down probably took about an hour. The envelope took about 4 hours including the time needed to go get the supplies. So 5 hours invested in a potential relationship. On Sunday I found her bike and put the card and two treats in her bike basket. I was hoping that she was going to go to noon Mass and was watching out for her around 1 but she didn't show. Because of where her bike was parked I had a perfect view of it out from a window next to the Church, and I wanted to see her reaction. I wasn't going to be an even bigger weirdo and stay there all day so I went home.

At around 5:00 she called me up. At this point I was doing a bit of volunteering and driving some people home from a retreat they were at over the weekend. She said the gift made her really happy and asked where I found the envelope. When I told her it was handmade by myself she said it was amazing and that she wouldn't throw it away. Then I asked if this got me dinner with her. She said definitely and that she was really hungry because she hadn't eatten all day. However, because I was still about 20 minutes out we had to postpone things. At 6:30 her friend, another guy, was to pick her up for the dance lessons they take together and then they were going to 9:00 Mass together. She says they are just friends and nothing is going on, but she's simple if she thinks this guy doesn't have some other intentions in mind.

Anyway, this week she is swamped with exams and papers so we will unlikely be able to do much until possibly Friday. Yesterday after Mass the other girl I went salsa dancing with two weeks ago asked if I was going this Friday. So maybe I can get the girl I'm interested in to hang out for a bit before salsa and then we can all go again together along with that other guy. There's a chance I'll be seeing her late tonight and hopefully then I can make plans.

In addition there is still more news. I also saw her on Saturday for a bit of volunteering we were doing. This time, she did show more enthusiasm. My main problem so far has been she has, in my opinion, shown no real interest in doing things with me. Like during the debate for example. It wasn't much but there was more there and usual. So Saturday night went well.

Now the unexpected part of all this was her response to my Valentine gift to her. I was expecting two responses. Basically yes I'm interested or no I'm not interested. Girls if a guy hand makes you a V-Day gift and it is obvious time was taken to craft it, then there's your sign. Apparently the girl I'm interested in did not quite realize this and chose a third response. While she didn't say it explicitly I got the feeling she was wanting to go out as friends getting some quick grub. Not as a formal date type setting. So I'll have to clarify that. It doesn't really bother me that I have to say it out loud, I just thought the Valentine would have made that clear. Oh well, there's another lesson. Girls can be just as clueless at taking hints as the guys are.

Okay, that is more than enough on my lady situation. Even I'm starting to get bored with all these lady posts, and I have other things I want to talk about. However, since the majority of you are females maybe you all like these gushy soap opera scenarios.