Thursday, August 13, 2009

Potato Sticks

As I write this, I am eating the best fries in the world. Without question, fries do not get better than this. They are made at the club house. The reason I am eating these fries is because they are so fantastic and because I was trying to meet a girl.

Pulling into the community I saw that the girl's car was at the club house. I see it there from time to time and I resolved that the next time I saw it there I was going to go in and order a thing of fries to go. While the fries were being prepared my plan was to try and talk to the girl.

But of course things did not go according to plan. When I walked in she was no where in sight. I went and ordered my fries and then started walking around. First I checked out the racquet ball court and the pool. No luck. I went to the main party room but no luck there either. I guessed she must have been in the weight room working out. Of all the possibilities if what she could have been doing this was about the worst. It's one thing to go up to a person who is reading a book, watching TV, or just soaking in the sun at the pool. I could always say "Hi, I was going to get an order of fries would you like to join me." It's another to try and start talking to someone who is in the middle of a workout. But unperturbed I picked up my fries and went into the weight room with a new plan in mind.

My new idea was to act as though I was just checking out the equipment. And in fact I hadn't really given the place a good look around before (I don't need to exercise, I come fully loaded). I walked in and she gave me a happy hello. That's part of the reason why I was trying to talk to this girl. The only people who ever seem to want to talk to me are senior citizens. Anyway, I'm a little bashful in these types of situations so I said hello back but not quite as perky as I would have liked it to be. She was walking on a treadmill watching TV. I go and walk around with my fries in hand look around for awhile and then make to leave. I look back at her and see she is intently watching the screen. So I yell over to her "I'm going to eat some french fries now." She looks at me for a second, smiles and says "Kay", then puts her eyes right back on the screen. I felt like Kevin from 'The Office.' But it was supposed to be a joke. Here I am in a weight room, with her working out and I walk in take a look around and then say I'm going to go eat french fries. Okay, maybe it's not laugh out loud funny but I thought it was cute.

I've mentioned in the past how I tend to eat when I get emotionally distraught. Those fries didn't last too long.